CV Recommendation letter

Эрмухаммад Бердимуродович Душанов (Ermuhammad Dushanov)

К.ф.-м.н, I спортивный разряд

Постоянный адрес

111214 п.Курувчи ул. ЯКЗУ, д.1
Кибрайский район, Ташкентская область, Респ. Узбек

Настоящий адрес

141980 г.Дубна ул. Строителей, д.10
Московская область, Россия


Школа № 51 им. М.Т.Айбека: 1977-1985
Школа № 58 им. М.И.Калинина: 1985-1987
ТГПИ им. Низами: 1987-1992
Аспирантура АН РУ: 1997-1999
Докторантура АН РУ: 2006-2008


ЛВТА, ОИЯИ: 10.1992-04.1996; 06.1996-07.2001; 05.2007-05.2010
ЛРБ, ОИЯИ: с 05.2010
ИЯФ АН РУ: 01.1995-01.2011
МУППК (г.Ташкент): 09.2004-05.2007
РГТЭУ (г.Дмитров): 09.2007-10.2010

Публичная деятельность

Председатель молодых ученых ИЯФ АН РУ: 12.2001-01.2006
Инструктор по ОФП, ПБ Архимед: с 10.2014


Третье место в конкурсе научных докладов среди молодых ученых РУ: 2002
Спортивные награды за 1-3 места: с 2008

Научные гранты

НТЦУ: 2003-2006
ИНТАС: 1999
РФФИ: 2012


Программирование: C/C++, Fortran, Mathemathica, Maple, Tcl, PHP, HTML, CSS
Пакеты: Amber, DL_POLY, NAMD, Gromacs, JINRLINPACK
Дизайнерские: Qcad, Gimp, VMD, Pymol, AmberTools
Языки: узбекский, русский, английский
Дипломы: педагогический (физ-мат), 1992, кандидата наук, 2001



I have known the applicant since 1997. Dr. Ermuhammad Dushanov is a bright, resourceful, creative, and hard-working person. He has exceptionally good track record, clear research ideas and enthusiasm for research.

He has got more than 30 publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals and conference contributions in his field. In 1992-2001 he had gained a deep knowledge and wide experience working as a research scientist in JINR (Joint Institute of Nuclear Research), Dubna, Russia participating in projects concerning development of Methods for System Security.

Ermuhammad received the third place in the competition of Young Uzbek Scientists in 2003 year, because of his high academic qualification. He has gained a valuable experience when he prepared and made excellent oral presentations in various international conferences in his field.

In personal side he is highly respected in the institute as both a person and a researching scientist by his colleagues. That`s why in December 2002 Dr. Ermuhammad Dushanov was elected the President of the Young Scientists Council of INP of Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences. He has been responsible for organization of special workshops and conferences, providing career, interpersonal, and intercultural consultation services for young scientists of the Institute.

I believe that after accomplishment of studies in the ASI 2007 on "Formal Logical Methods for System Security and Correctness" (Summer School Marktoberdorf 2007) he will have more opportunities to advance his carrier in Uzbekistan.


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